Sunday, August 30, 2009

BBA Light Wheat

I haven't posted for a while because I've been baking mostly-whole wheat sour dough loafs similar to the last one I posted about. Today I wanted to do something a bit different.

I tried Peter Reinhart's light wheat bread from the Bread Baker's Apprentice. It's 33% whole wheat flour, the rest being white flour. The recipe gives the option of sugar or honey; I went with sugar because I don't think I have any honey.

It's a pretty easy one day recipe: mix, knead, wait, shape, wait, bake. And this is the result.


And after letting it cool for a little over two hours... I'm a bit disappointed with the result. The flavour isn't terribly exciting, but maybe that's just what you get with a one-day bread. In fact, this loaf reminds me a lot of the rather blah whole wheat loaf I used to buy at a nearby bakery. In the future, for sandwich-style loafs, I think I'm going to stick with 100% whole wheat formulas.